Tuija Huuki
Senior Research Fellow
Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Tuija Huuki is academy research fellow and Adjunct professor of Educational gender research at the University of Turku. She is the leader of the research team Gender, power and interaction in education in the Faculty of Education. Applying insights from new feminist materialist and posthuman theories and participatory arts-based methods, her research explores how power, gender and sexuality shape young peer and relationship cultures, and how arts-based methods enable children and young people to safely articulate and address gender, sexuality, power inequalities and other sensitive issues in their everyday lives. She currently leads two research projects funded by the Academy of Finland: Gender-based violence in pre-teen relationship cultures: How history, place, affect and arts interventions matter 2016-21 and Mapping, making & mattering: Arts and research-activism for addressing sexual harassment in pre-teen peer cultures 2019-23. For more detail, see
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