Do this if you have learning that you wish to be recognised

Here you can find instructions concerning recognition of learning.

Do this if you have previously acquired learning

1. Check that your learning complies with the learning objectives of the course. Read more detailed information of recognition of accreditation with course attainments or recognition of other learning, and make sure that you have all the required attachments. Read more of how to fill in an application in Peppi: Wiki - Student's desktop - Recognition of Learning. Make sure to check to whom you need to send your application.

2. Fill in RL application in Peppi system.

3. Attach the required attachments that as certified copies of certificates; pdf-copies of the original. Upon request the student must provide the original certificates.

4. Note that if you apply for recognition of other learning (than with course attainments), you may be required to provide further evidence of the learning or you may be invited to an interview or to take a test/exam to prove the level of your learning.

5. You may follow the progress of your application in Peppi system. You will receive a notification to your official student email when a decision has been made.

6. The decisions are recorded in the student information system by the Faculty Study Affairs.

7. If you are discontent with the decision, you may complain to the Board of Examiners within 14 days.

An incomplete application that is not amended despite requests to do so will lead to a dismissing decision within one month.

For you

Faculty of Education and Psychology

The tool to be used in the RPL process is the Peppi system - instructions. Make sure to read the instructions clearly on the RPL process.

General guidelines for an RPL application:

  1. Make sure your competence is in line with the learning outcomes.
  2. If necessary, contact your tutor teacher and/or the responsible person of the course, to prove, if needed, that they have advocated for your RPL application.
  3. Fill in the application in the electronic Peppi system. Send the application to be accepted by the Degree Programme responsible person.
  • Be careful with the attachments. Insufficient attachments or other information will slow down the decision-making process and the registration of credits in Peppi. It will take time to send a request for more information, and for you to respond. Most requests for additional information are sent due to incomplete transcripts from a previous institution: the names of the courses to be accredited for are needed in English, as the course information is imported into Peppi in both Finnish and English, or at least in the latter language. It is the student's responsibility to ensure proper translations.

Take advantage of the additional details field on the application form. If you have already negotiated on course approval in advance with a staff member representing the subject in question, please indicate it (with whom, when) in the “additional details” field of your application. Please also include confirmation by the person in charge of the course as an attachment.

Degree Programme Directors:

  • Degree Programme in Special Education: Riikka Sirkko
  • Degree Programme in Educational Sciences: Veli-Matti Ulvinen
  • Degree Programme in Primary Teacher Education: Minna Sääskilahti
  • Degree Programme in Music Education: Nina Jokela
  • Degree Programme in Learning Sciences: Hanni-Mari Muukkonen-van der Meer
  • Degree Programme in Psychology: Mirka Hintsanen
  • Degree Programme in Early Childhood Education: Jaana Juutinen
  • Degree Programme in Intercultural Primary Teacher Education: Katri Jokikokko
  • Master's Programme in Education and Globalisation, Master of Arts: Audrey Paradis
  • Master's Programme in Learning, Education and Technology: Kristiina Mänty
  • Doctoral degree Programme in Educational sciences: Pauliina Rautio
  • Master’s Programme in Superdiversity in Education, Organizations and Society: Joa Hiitola
  • Subject teacher education and University Pedagogy: Minna Uitto

Language and communication studies

For language and communication studies, the application is addressed to the person in charge of that language at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, who will then make a proposal and forward the application to the service manager of Language and Communication unit, Jaana Isohätälä.

People in charge of languages are:

  • English: Sari Törmänen
  • Swedish:
    - Terhi Ruokanen-Jaakola: Special Education, Early Childhood Education, Psychology
    - Kaisu Hoikkala: Primary Teacher Education, Music Education, Educational Sciences, Learning Sciences
    - Anne Saarijärvi: Intercultural Teacher Education
  • Finnish: Saga Skiftesvik

More detailed instructions for special cases:

1. Non-major university-level study modules (such as basic or intermediate studies) that were not counted towards your previous degree will be included/accredited directly towards the degree based on study register data or certificates. No application is required. Submit your certificates electronically to

2. Practice periods mostly cannot be recognised based on prior learning, as they are pedagogically and didactically supervised study attainments. However, the following course of practical training can be accredited upon non-formal demonstration of competence by means of, e.g., a report, portfolio, interview or a seminar presentation. Before applying for recognition, always discuss the chances of accreditation with the person in charge of the course/practice period.

  • 413019S Working Life Studies (share of practical training: 8 credits)
  • KE00AF38/KE00AF39 Optional Practice, 1–10 credits

3. Non-formal or informal demonstration cannot provide accreditation for any courses forming part of the multidisciplinary studies in the subjects and cross-curricular themes taught in basic education, professional studies in early childhood education, or professional studies in special education.

4. Submit an application in the Peppi system for recognition of prior studies completed in exchange or abroad.

For more information and assistance, get in touch with the study Secretaries, Education Designers and the Lead Specialist in academic affairs service team:

Oulu Business School

Recognition of prior learning at Oulu Business School

In addition to the University level instructions, below are more detailed instructions for accepting exchange studies.

Master level studies done during exchange and transfer of credits

Master Level students going on exchange must have studied all Bachelor level courses and obtained their Bachelor Degree by the time they start their exchange period.

The course plan/Learning agreement must include studies worth 25-30 credits and the plan needs to be consulted and agreed on either by the student’s tutor teacher or by the responsible person of the major subject (Economics Sanna Huikari, Marketing Hanna Komulainen, Accounting Marjo Väisänen, Finance Petri Sahlström and International Business Management Sakari Sipola) or by the responsible person of the Master’s Degree Programmes, Mari Juntunen. Some of the courses are mandatory and they can only be substituted by similar courses (each course needs to be substituted one by one). The voluntary courses included in the Master Degree can be substituted on exchange by other Master level courses that are offered by the host institution. The RPL application is to be submitted in OSAT system with the code Additional Studies in (Marketing, Finance, etc), Advanced Level. The following courses cannot be done on exchange: Globally Responsible Business Course, Master Thesis and Traineeship.

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Science

Programme directors, Faculty of Science:

  • Degree Programme in Biology: Lumi Viljakainen
  • Degree Programme in Geography: Sanna Varanka
  • Degree Programme in Mathematical and Physical Sciences: Pekka Salmi
  • Master's Programme in Physical Sciences: Jussi Malila

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Technology

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Humanities

Follow the general instructions above.


Studification in health sciences:

for further advice on studification of student advocacy work, or of work studification, please contact your tutor teacher or the Faculty Study Affairs.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Physical Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, FSci

Follow the general instructions above.

Computational biology and data-analysis

Follow the general instructions above.

Mathematical Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Process and Environmental Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Industrial Engineering and Management

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, Chemistry

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Mining engineering and mineral processing

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Mechanical Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Civil Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, FHum

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Information Studies

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Cultural Anthropology

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

German language and culture

Follow the general instructions above.

Swedish Language

Follow the general instructions above.

Finnish Language

Follow the general instructions above.

Saami Culture

Follow the general instructions above.

Science Communication, MA

Follow the general instructions above.

Saami Language

Follow the general instructions above.

History of Sciences and Ideas

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training

Follow the general instructions above.

Learning Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Primary Teacher Education

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Learning, Education and Technology

Follow the general instructions above.

Music Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Special Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Intercultural Teacher Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Early Childhood Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Education Science and Educational Psychology

Follow the general instructions above.

Education and Globalisation

Follow the general instructions above.

Business Analytics MSc (Tech)

Follow the general instructions above.

Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics

Follow the general instructions above.

Electronics and Communications Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Biomedical Engineering MSc (Tech)

Follow the general instructions above.

Information Processing Science

Follow the general instructions above.

Computer Science and Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science

Follow the general instructions above.

Medical and Wellness Technology

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Biomedical Engineering MHSc

Follow the general instructions above.

Health Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics and Business Administration BSc

Follow the general instructions above.

International Business Management (BSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

International Business Management (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Financial and Management Accounting (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Business Analytics (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Marketing (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Finance (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics and Business Administration MSc

Follow the general instructions above.

For you

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Science

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Technology

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Humanities

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Faculty of Medicine

Follow the general instructions above.

Oulu Business School

Follow the general instructions above.

Early Childhood Education

The tool to be used in the RPL process is the Peppi system - instructions. Make sure to read the instructions clearly on the RPL process.

General guidelines for an RPL application:

  1. Make sure your competence is in line with the learning outcomes.
  2. If necessary, contact your tutor teacher and/or the responsible person of the course, to prove, if needed, that they have advocated for your RPL application.
  3. Fill in the application in the electronic Peppi system. Send the application to be accepted by the Degree Programme responsible person.
  • Be careful with the attachments. Insufficient attachments or other information will slow down the decision-making process and the registration of credits in Peppi. It will take time to send a request for more information, and for you to respond. Most requests for additional information are sent due to incomplete transcripts from a previous institution: the names of the courses to be accredited for are needed in English, as the course information is imported into Peppi in both Finnish and English, or at least in the latter language. It is the student's responsibility to ensure proper translations.

Take advantage of the additional details field on the application form. If you have already negotiated on course approval in advance with a staff member representing the subject in question, please indicate it (with whom, when) in the “additional details” field of your application. Please also include confirmation by the person in charge of the course as an attachment.

Degree Programme Directors:

  • Degree Programme in Special Education: Marjatta Takala, 1.8.2022 Riikka-Maija Mononen
  • Degree Programme in Educational Sciences: Kimmo Kontio
  • Degree Programme in Primary Teacher Education: Minna Sääskilahti
  • Degree Programme in Music Education: Pirkko Paananen
  • Degree Programme in Learning Sciences: Hanni-Mari Muukkonen-van der Meer
  • Degree Programme in Psychology: Mirka Hintsanen
  • Degree Programme in Early Childhood Education: Jaana Juutinen
  • Degree Programme in Intercultural Primary Teacher Education: Katri Jokikokko
  • Master's Programme in Education and Globalisation, Master of Arts: Audrey Paradis
  • Master's Programme in Learning, Education and Technology: Essi Vuopala

Language and communication studies

For language and communication studies, the application is addressed to the person in charge of that language at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, who will then make a proposal and forward the application to the service manager of Language and Communication unit, Jaana Isohätälä.

People in charge of languages are:

  • English: Sari Törmänen
  • Swedish: Terhi Ruokanen-Jaakola
  • Finnish: Anu Laurikkala

More detailed instructions for special cases:

1. Non-major university-level study modules (such as basic or intermediate studies) that were not counted towards your previous degree will be included/accredited directly towards the degree based on study register data or certificates. No application is required. Submit your certificates electronically to

2. Practice periods mostly cannot be recognised based on prior learning, as they are pedagogically and didactically supervised study attainments. However, the following course of practical training can be accredited upon non-formal demonstration of competence by means of, e.g., a report, portfolio, interview or a seminar presentation. Before applying for recognition, always discuss the chances of accreditation with the person in charge of the course/practice period.

  • 413019S Working Life Studies (share of practical training: 8 credits)
  • 404022A Optional Practice, 1–10 credits

3. Non-formal or informal demonstration cannot provide accreditation for any courses forming part of the multidisciplinary studies in the subjects and cross-curricular themes taught in basic education, professional studies in early childhood education, or professional studies in special education.

4. Submit an application in the Peppi system for recognition of prior studies completed in exchange or abroad.

For more information and assistance, get in touch with the study Secretaries, Education Designers and the Lead Specialist in academic affairs service team:


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Physical Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, FSci

Follow the general instructions above.

Computational biology and data-analysis

Follow the general instructions above.

Mathematical Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Process and Environmental Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Industrial Engineering and Management

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, Chemistry

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Mining engineering and mineral processing

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Mechanical Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Civil Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, FHum

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Information Studies

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Cultural Anthropology

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

German language and culture

Follow the general instructions above.

Swedish Language

Follow the general instructions above.

Finnish Language

Follow the general instructions above.

Saami Culture

Follow the general instructions above.

Science Communication, MA

Follow the general instructions above.

Saami Language

Follow the general instructions above.

History of Sciences and Ideas

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training

Follow the general instructions above.

Learning Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Primary Teacher Education

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Learning, Education and Technology

Follow the general instructions above.

Music Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Special Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Intercultural Teacher Education

Follow the general instructions above.

Education Science and Educational Psychology

Follow the general instructions above.

Education and Globalisation

Follow the general instructions above.

Business Analytics MSc (Tech)

Follow the general instructions above.

Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics

Follow the general instructions above.

Electronics and Communications Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Biomedical Engineering MSc (Tech)

Follow the general instructions above.

Information Processing Science

Follow the general instructions above.

Computer Science and Engineering

Follow the general instructions above.

Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Medical and Wellness Technology

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Biomedical Engineering MHSc

Follow the general instructions above.

Health Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics and Business Administration BSc

Follow the general instructions above.

International Business Management (BSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

International Business Management (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Financial and Management Accounting (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Business Analytics (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Marketing (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Finance (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics and Business Administration MSc

Follow the general instructions above.