Data-based value creation in healthcare service delivery networks

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

Linnanmaa campus, Oulu Business School, lecture hall TA105

Topic of the dissertation

Data-based value creation in healthcare service delivery networks

Doctoral candidate

M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.) Tero Huhtala

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Oulu Business School, Marketing, management, and international business

Subject of study



Professor Hannu Saarijärvi, University of Tampere


Professor Pauliina Ulkuniemi, Oulu Business School

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Data-based value creation in healthcare service delivery networks

The value of data in healthcare is widely acknowledged. However, the essential building blocks of data-based value creation are not understood on a level that allows for the creation of healthcare services in which data moves unhindered and securely between many actors for collaborative value creation. Understanding the value, key determinants, and contextual characteristics of value creation is essential for healthcare actors aiming for collaboratively facilitated data-based value creation. This study provides justified propositions for the service providers on how to understand data-based value and factors influencing data-based value creation to collectively orchestrate the service delivery network and create value reciprocally.

To be more specific, this study explores data-based value creation in the context of healthcare service delivery networks by exploring 1) the nature and character of data-based value, 2) the key determinants of data-based value creation, and 3) the contextual characteristics of the service delivery network in relation to data-based value creation. In this way the study contributes to the fragmented research on value creation and networks.

The study explored the potential value for each of the actors in the service delivery network, which resulted in an improved understanding of how to conceptualize data-based value, emphasizing the ongoing, iterative, and multi-loci nature of data-based value. Secondly, the resources and activities inherent to data-based value creation were analyzed to discover the key determinants of data-based value creation. Thirdly, contextual analysis provided insights into the actors and roles in the service delivery network, as well as to the essential collective actions. The investigation of these different perspectives enabled the creation of a realistic overview of data-based value creation in service delivery networks. The research presents an empirically grounded model to describe data-based value creation in service delivery networks as an iterative, multi-loci, and collaborative process with distinctive contextual characteristics.
Last updated: 23.1.2024