Formation of teacher's professional identity in teaching practicum in the context of mathematics, physics and chemistry education
Thesis event information
Date and time of the thesis defence
Place of the thesis defence
Linnanmaa, L4
Topic of the dissertation
Formation of teacher's professional identity in teaching practicum in the context of mathematics, physics and chemistry education
Doctoral candidate
Master of Science Matti Hasari
Faculty and unit
University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Education, Teachers, Teaching, and Educational Communities
Subject of study
Adjunct professor Jorma Joutsenlahti, University of Tampere
Professor Raimo Kaasila, University of Oulu
Formation of teacher's professional identity in teaching practicum in the context of mathematics, physics and chemistry education
The aim of the dissertation is to study the formation of professional identity of pre-service subject teachers during teaching practice. Teaching practicum lasts one academic year. The goal of teaching practicum is to develop a pre-service teacher to become a responsible and caring teacher. The data of the study consist of the learning diaries of pre-service mathematics teachers, in which they have written about their experiences during teaching practice. In the dissertation, it is applied narrative research methods. It includes the stories of six pre-service teachers of different backgrounds and development. The key elements of the professional identity were teacher’s self-esteem, reflection, emotions and dealing with them, as well as beliefs of teaching and students. The study focuses on these domains of professional identity. In addition, it has been explored the role of a supervisor in the development of pre-service teachers’ professional identity. The main findings of the study are as follows: Only one pre-service teacher’s professional identity developed in each key domains. Self-esteem related to subject matter remained good for many pre-service teachers, but the self-esteem related to teaching improved for three and decreased for two pre-service teachers. The focus of the reflection changed toward the students’ activities. Overcoming excitement, the challenges of dealing with negative emotions, and insecurity about one's professional identity played a major role in the future teachers’ stories. Teacher-centered beliefs were present in all stories in mathematics lessons, but some included change toward student-centered direction. In physics and chemistry lessons, student-centeredness emerged through the guidance of students. Beliefs of students became more positive. The role of the supervisor in the development of the professional identity of the future teachers was not much present in their stories.
Last updated: 1.3.2023