Make an acquisition request

We kindly ask the persons responsible for courses to notify the Library of books added to or removed from course requirements. We will send a reminder in spring, but it is possible to send notifications to the Library all year round.
You can submit your suggestions using the textbook acquisition suggestion form.
The Library purchases textbooks with the appropriation granted for this purpose. Possible teacher’s copies are purchased by funds provided by the department in question (only for University of Oulu teachers).
Printed textbooks are available for borrowing in the subject libraries. Electronic books are available for reading both in the libraries and through the off-campus access service.
NB! E-books are acquired separately for University of Oulu and Oamk. Thus acquisition suggestions are also requested separately for e-textbooks.
You can check the availability of textbooks in the library catalogue Oula-Finna.
You are welcome to make acquisition suggestions. We can also search for newly published books according to your wishes on a subject you have submitted to us.
It is possible to make acquisition requests for periodicals all year round. Departments make the decisions regarding which periodicals are acquired and are responsible for the subscription expenses (this only applies to the University of Oulu).
The library acquires licenses for electronic resources. These include individual journals, various databases, reference works and electronic books.
- Lending collection:
- Textbooks:
- Periodicals:
- Electronic resources: