Reading room/office loan
Items available for reading room/office loan are kept in the legal deposit collection in the closed stacks of Pegasus Library. Their call numbers in the Oula-Finna online catalogue begin with "P F".
Staff of the University of Oulu and Oamk:
- may borrow books from the legal deposit collection for office use
- journal issues are available for reading room loan only
- loan period is 28 days
- loans will be renewed automatically for five years, unless there are requests for them
Students and other customers:
- books and journal issues are available for reading room loan
- loan period is 28 days
- loans can be renewed for a maximum period of six months, if there are no pending requests for the items
Items borrowed for reading room use from the legal deposit collection can only be used in Pegasus Library. The borrowed items can be kept in library book lockers, lockable book trolleys or in designated file boxes available from the library service desk.
Library users may order items from the legal deposit archive by placing a request through the Oula-Finna online catalogue.
Requests from the closed stacks are picked up only on weekdays. Requests made before noon will be picked up the same day, requests made in the afternoon by 12 noon the next business day.