Target Durations of Degree Studies

Target Durations of the Degrees are specified in Universities Act.

Target Durations of Degree Studies

Target Durations of the Degrees are specified in Universities Act (Yliopistolaki 558/2009, 40§)

  • Bachelor's + Master's degree: 5 academic years
  • Bachelor's + Master's degree in Psychology: 5,5 academic years
  • Lower (Bachelor's) degree: 3 academic years
  • Higher (Master's) degree: 2 academic years
  • Licenciate in Medicine: 6 academic years
  • Licenciate in Dentistry: 5,5 academic years
  • Post-graduate degree: 4 academic years

The Duration of Study Right

  • Student studying both Bachelor's and Master's or Licenciate in Medicine or Dentistry level degree is entitled to complete their degree two years past the targeted completion.
  • Student studying only for a lower level (Bachelor’s) degree is entitled to complete their degree one year past the targeted completion.
  • Student studying only for a higher level (Master's) degree is entitled to complete their degree two years past the targeted completion.

You can see the duration of your study time in Peppi. The time period on study right is updated based on the registration information.

Time Excluded from the Duration of your Studies

  • Registering as being present, i.e. normal studying time.
  • Other absence (not based on legislation) that exceeds two academic terms. This means that a student can register as absent for two terms without legal grounds. (This absence right is four academic terms for study rights, which have started before 1 August 2015.)
  • Those academic terms that the student fails to register at all, in other words neglects the obligation to register.
  • Exchange studies. A student needs to register as being present at the Univsity of Oulu during their exchange studies.

Absence Based of Legal Grounds

The duration of studies does not include leave due to voluntary military service or conscription or to maternity leave, paternity leave or parental leave. Read more of registering as absent.

Transfer Students

Study rights that begun on and after 1.8.2016:
The duration of a transfer student’s degree studies is determined by the study right of the degree given in transfer. The duration of studies includes the time the student was present or absent in previous university for the same study right.

Study rights that begun prior to 1.8.2005:
The duration of studies does not include the time the transfer student was present or absent in previous university for the same study right.