Electronic signing service - UniOulu Sign

An electronic document signing service - UniOulu Sign - is available at the University of Oulu.

UniOulu Sign is suitable for electronic signing of almost all internal documents within the university, such as decisions. The electronic signature implemented with UniOulu Sign is also accepted by many external stakeholders.


Documents uploaded to UniOulu Sign can be signed by all staff members and students of the University, as well as any other person who has been sent a signature request from UniOulu Sign. No separate permissions are required for signing documents in UniOulu Sign.

The request to sign a document arrives by email which contains a link to the UniOulu Sign. You log in to the service by utilizing either O365 account (University staff and students) or with an invitation ID and PIN-code (SMS message).

Making a signature request

In order to make signature requests, that is, to upload a document to be signed to UniOulu Sign, a separate permission is needed. The staff members of the University of Oulu have these permission by default. See how to make a signature request from intranet Patio.

Advanced electronic signature

UniOulu Sign is an electronic signing service used by the University of Oulu and provided by Sarake Oy.

Signature created by UniOulu Sign is an advanced electronic signature in accordance of EU’s eIDAS regulation (EU 910/2014).

  • An advanced electronic signature enables the unique identification of the signatory and is linked to other electronic data, such as an email, so that any subsequent changes in the data can be detected. If an electronic document is changed later, the earlier signature no longer matches the content of the amended document.
  • Fulfils the requirements of the EU regulation 910/2014, 26. article:
  1. it is uniquely linked to the signatory;
  2. it is capable of identifying the signatory;
  3. it is created using electronic signature creation data that the signatory can, with a high level of confidence, use under his sole control; and
  4. it is linked to the data signed therewith in such a way that any subsequent change in the data is detectable.

UniOulu Sign uses a certificate issued by Entrust, and it is on the list of Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL).

UniOulu Sign it is not read as Qualified electronic signature, because it does not use a certificate for electronic signatures that is issued by a qualified trust service provider which meets the requirements laid down in eIDAS Annex I, i.e. certificate it is not on EU List of eIDAS Trusted Lists.

How do you verify the eligibility of a signature made in UniOulu Sign?

The electronic signature is valid only for the original electronic document. The printed version of the electronically signed document on paper is only a copy, and the electronic signature is not valid for this hard copy. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to verify the eligibility (integrity and originality) of an electronic signature.

Processing personal data in Signature Service

Learn how the University of Oulu processes your personal data when you use UniOulu Sign Service.