Tutor stand at Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campus

Event information
Tue 24.01.2023 11:00 - Wed 25.01.2023 13:00
Application to become a tutor or kummi student for the academic year 2023-2024 is open until 5th of February. Tutors and kummis are important peers for new students, as they introduce them to the university studies, university community and to student life. As a tutor or kummi, you will meet new people and get to know the new students, help them in their transition to university studies and experience the first year from another perspective!
Are you pondering something regarding the application process or would you like to ask more about being a tutor or kummi? Are you interested in finding out more about what the tutor trainings include or what kind of peer support activities we organise for tutors and kummis?
Come and meet us at the Tutor stand! We will offer you coffee and answer your questions at the same time. :)
You can meet us as follows:
24.1. klo 11–13 Linnanmaa campus, green coat racks
25.1. klo 11-12:30 Kontinkangas campus, in front of Medisiina restaurant