Finnish as a second language
The courses are intended mainly for international students and staff at the University of Oulu.
Most international programmes include or will include mandatory Finnish courses on the level A1 to C2. You can start your Finnish studies from the very beginning or continue them on the level that you have earlier achieved. It is always good for your future to learn even more Finnish voluntarily.
Non-degree students can apply for contact learning Finnish courses, except the Survival Finnish Course and Beginners' Finnish Course 1. There are few places for them in each group. Please note that online courses are not available to non-degree students, except the courses of Working life Finnish in the Faculty of Humanities (see below).
Course descriptions, schedules and rooms of the courses and registration information are available in Peppi system and Tuudo application.
Registration for the autumn courses starts at the beginning of August and for the spring courses at the beginning of December, as follows:
- If you are an exchange, degree, or PhD student, use Peppi system or Tuudo application.
- If you are a member of the staff, you can enroll in Beginners' Finnish for Staff (basic course) and Finnish for Teaching course (advanced level) in the staff training portal Osku. For other Finnish courses, you must have a study right. If you already have a study right, register for a course in Peppi or Tuudo. If you do not have a study right, you can apply for a non-degree study right for Finnish as a second language courses for staff for two semesters at a time. Apply for a separate study right in the Eforms service ( and select the form "Application for a separate study right for personnel's Finnish language studies". Once you have been granted the separate study right, register for the courses you want to attend in Peppi or Tuudo. The courses are free of charge.
- If you are not a member of the University, you can apply for a separate study right with the Application for non-degree studies, but for contact learning groups only. The application period for autumn courses is in August and for spring courses in December. We do not process applications at any other time. Please contact to get more information how to apply. The study fee is 10 euros/credit.
Further information by emailing (The courses organized by Lingua) and (Working life Finnish courses).
Are you about to graduate and would like to continue your Finnish studies? Please apply for a complementary study right when submitting your application for degree certificate through Peppi's Graduation service. Complementary study right cannot be applied later or anywhere else. Complementary study rights are a easy way for you to continue your studies, and they are free of charge.
Here you can find the instructions:
The courses are offered by the Centre for Languages and Communication Lingua and the Faculty of Humanities. All the courses are available for international students and staff at the University of Oulu. Start at your own level.
Non-degree students can apply for contact learning Finnish courses, except the Survival Finnish Course and Beginners' Finnish Course 1. Please note that online courses are not available to non-degree students, except the courses of Working life Finnish in the Faculty of Humanities

Courses organized by Lingua
Elementary level (A1)
- 900017Y Survival Finnish Course 2 ECTS (Not available for non-degree students)
- 900013Y Beginner's Finnish Course 1, 3 ECTS (Not available for non-degree students)
- 900053Y Beginner's Finnish Course 2, 5 ECTS
Intermediate level (A2)
- 900015Y Intermediate Finnish Course 1, 5 ECTS
- 900016Y Intermediate Finnish Course 2, 5 ECTS
- YK00AI94 Intermediate Finnish Course 3, 5 ECTS
Advanced level (B1–B2)
Courses organized by the Faculty of Humanities
Advanced level
Working life Finnish – Minor subject modules
Core Studies (B1–B2)
- HS00AG76 Knowledge of Language Structures 1, 5 ECTS
- HS00AG77 Language Training 1 Finnish Society and Work Communities, 2 ECTS
- HS00AG78 Language Training 2 Culture and Communication in Finnish, 2 ECTS
- HS00AG79 Language Training 3, Professional Expertise and Communication in Finnish, 2 ECTS
- HS00AG80 Language Training 4 Communication in Job Search, 2 ECTS
- HS00AG81 Getting to know Working Life – Orientation to Work-life in Finnish, 2 ECTS
- HS00AG82 Getting to know Working Life – Practical training, 5 ECTS
- Optional courses 5 ECTS (if you want to complete the entire core studies)
Intermediate Studies (B2–C1/C2)
- HS00AG71 Knowledge of Language Structures 2, 5 ECTS
- HS00AG72 Academic Writing and Reading (focus on your own field), 5 ECTS
- HS00AG73 Academic Speaking and Interaction Skills (focus on your own field), 5 ECTS
- HS00AG74 Advanced Practical Training, 5 ECTS
- Additional optional courses 10–15 ECTS (if you want to complete the entire intermediate studies)
Tandem courses (organized by Lingua)
- 903041Y Finnish-German tandem
- 904024Y Finnish-French tandem
- 905046Y Finnish-Japanese tandem
- 905014Y Tandem Finnish-Italian
- 900051Y Tandem Finnish - other language
Read more about Tandem-studies and Café Lingua.