Martti Ahtisaari Institute
Martti Ahtisaari Institute is a research and education unit established within Oulu Business School in 2008. Our mission is to create high-quality, impactful knowledge in business, particularly focusing on the dynamics of business networks and business models in the context of global markets through research, development, and education.

Our research activities focus on the challenges of sustainable and responsible business, particularly on the dynamics, models, and ecosystems of business as part of global market operations.
Martti Ahtisaari Institute provides education tailored to the needs of the modern workplace for diverse expert and leadership roles. The institute oversees the management education offerings of the Oulu Business School, including the Business Analytics degree program and Entrepreneurship minor. In addition, it is possible to pursue a doctoral degree at the institute.
I promised my support to the institute, if it is a part of normal activities and provides added value to the planned projects. I am glad that the University of Oulu is proceeding in economic and business sciences.
–President Ahtisaari in the grand opening ceremony of the institute in 2008

The institute's activities are carried out through domestic and international research and development projects, as well as entrepreneurship and responsible business education programs and management programs. Additionally, the institute organises events related to its priority themes to foster societal discourse and generate new perspectives for the development of the business sector.