About Us
We are pioneers in the fields of business analytics and digital business research, and we ensure the implementation of the business analytics subject and degree programs at the Oulu Business School. Our activities also include forums and seminars aimed at the general public as well as research and development projects funded by external sources.

At the core of our operations are domestic and international research and development projects, which involve universities from many countries as well as funders from international and domestic forums. One form of research collaboration includes professorships co-funded by stakeholders.
We engage in educational collaboration through programs in entrepreneurship and responsible business, as well as business analytics and executive management training programs. Our educational partners include institutions in France, in addition to those in Finland.
The Institute also organises events on current themes to contribute to societal discussions and introduce new perspectives on business development. The Institute participates in internal, regional, and international innovation cooperation within the university. The Institute is an active member of the international GRLI (Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative) network for responsible business, which includes both research organisations and companies worldwide.
President Martti Ahtisaari inaugurated the institute bearing his name at the Oulu Business School on April 25, 2008. The institute celebrated its tenth anniversary with a jubilee seminar in the spring of 2018.
The institute naturally focuses on the key issues of President Ahtisaari's life work, particularly sustainable international business within the framework of the global economy.
At the institute's inauguration, President Ahtisaari stated that the University of Oulu is an attractive university to which he wishes to contribute his support: "I promised my support to the institute, if it is a part of normal activities and provides added value to the planned projects. I am glad that the University of Oulu is proceeding in economic and business sciences
President Ahtisaari graduated as a teacher from the University of Oulu in its first operational year, 1959. He was an honorary doctor of the university.
President Ahtisaari was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008.
The email addresses of the institute's staff are generally in the format firstname.lastname(at)oulu.fi.
For up-to-date contact information, please refer to the University of Oulu's directory
Postal address
Martti Ahtisaari Institute
Oulu Business School
PO. BOX 4600
Visiting address
Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1, 90570 Oulu (door X)
Oulu Business School is located on the main campus of the University of Oulu in Linnanmaa. Oulu Business School corridor is named "Kauppakatu" and the nearest entrance is door X (map grid F5). Click here to view the map.
Institute's administration
Ahokangas, Petri
Director, Professor
0294 487 792
Sohlo, Sauli
Deputy Director
0294 482 914
Kauppila, Antti
Programme Director, EMBA
0294 487 355