A message from THL to students: Protecting yourself from coronavirus also protects your roommate, grandparents and siblings

It is a fact that we will have to live with coronavirus for some time still. What's more important is knowing the best ways to prevent infections. By protecting yourself from infection you also protect your family and friends.

Even if you do not personally belong to a coronavirus risk group, it is important to consider those who could fall seriously ill due to the disease. You may have a friend with cancer, an elderly grandparent, or a little sister with bad asthma. There are over one million people in the coronavirus risk group in Finland, which means that we encounter them every day: at home, at school, at the store, at the library or at a restaurant.

Since people with coronavirus can be infectious days before symptoms begin, any one of us can unknowingly spread the virus. Each one of us is responsible for protecting those at risk.

Party virtually, outdoors or in small groups

Admittedly, remote parties for new students don't sound the most exciting, but you can still have fun during coronavirus. Be inventive and show a good example by organising parties remotely. Share your experiences of successful digital events with others.

Favour meeting outdoors instead of indoors, even if the weather is not optimal. And keep it small. The fewer people, the smaller the risk of spreading infections.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) collects information on the spread of coronavirus. Infections have spread at family gatherings, team sports events and practice, evening and night life, workplaces, and student parties.

And after being infected, people often spread the virus to their family.

Checklist for everyday life with coronavirus

  • Stay in touch with your fellow students and encourage them to get through this challenging time.
  • The student community has strength that will help you cope. Lean on it if you feel alone.
  • Your educational institution has provided thorough instructions on hygiene, safe distances, downloading the Koronavilkku app, bigger gatherings and, if necessary, the use of masks – please follow these instructions.
  • Have student organisation meetings and other gatherings remotely.
  • Student associations reach out to their members almost daily; please encourage each other to be responsible.
  • If possible, favour remote exams and exam aquariums. Remember good hygiene so that others can safely use the facilities after you.
  • Do not attend or organise any large student parties.


Mika Salminen

Director of the Health Security department, Finnish institute for health and welfare THL

Alumnus of the University of Helsinki

Last updated: 25.3.2021