BFF-WATER: Boreal Forest WATER Fluxes under changing rain-snow seasonality

Boreal forests cover 33% of the global forest area, and 66% of the water used by boreal forests is through trees. In a warming and ‘greening’ Arctic, understanding Boreal Forest WATER Fluxes under changing snow-rain seasonality in northern environments is crucial for Finland, the nation of a thousand lakes, where 74% of the land is covered by forest.


Snowy forests in Finland
Snowy forests in Finland. Picture: Zuosinan Chen

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Research Council of Finland

Funding amount

782 552 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

  • Academy Research Fellow, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

Project description

BFF-Water aims to renew our understanding of (1) whether tree water uptake modifies the isotopic properties of water in trees, (2) whether tree water use significantly shapes soil water distribution and movement in boreal forests, (3) how ongoing changes in snow and rain affect boreal tree transpiration, and (4) how forest hydrology responds to changing precipitation in boreal regions. BFF-Water features an innovative in-situ high-frequency water isotope and water flux measurement set-up with up-to-date instruments, as well as comprehensive forest hydrology measurements. Using an interdisciplinary methodology, for the first time, the process-based tree water use strategies and forest water fluxes will be revealed in high-latitude boreal forests around the Arctic Circle. BFF-Water will benefit forest and water resource related stakeholders and lower climate risks for society.