Zuosinan Chen
Academy Research Fellow, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
Forest (Eco)hydrology
Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Technology
My ecohydrology research have been focusing on forest ecosystems covering various forest types, e.g., semi-arid, temperate, boreal, urban, and managed. I am interested in process-based mechanisms spanning different spatio-temporal scales under climate change: (1) biophysical controls of daytime and also nighttime leaf transpiration, stem water capacitance recharge, and whole tree water uptake, (2) sub-daily responses of tree sap flow to weather extremes and precipitation seasonality, (3) long-term (over decades) effects of forest management on forest transpiration. Based on my multidisciplinary knowledge, especially the research experience in ecohydrology and isotope hydrology, I am currently combining sap flow techniques and isotope hydrology to elucidate tree water use strategies and boreal forest (eco)hydrology under the changing snow-rain seasonality.
What happens if the water intake of the billions of Finnish trees would change one day?
Research interests
- Forest (eco)hydrology
- Tree water uptake strategy
- Water movement in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
- Nighttime sap flow
- Impacts of extreme weather events, e.g., intense precipitation (rainfall and snowfall), hot days, drought stress
- Isotope hydrology
- Cold climate hydrology
- Tree physiology
- Forest management
- Forest ecology
Researcher information
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