Johanna Leinonen
PhD, Associate Professor
Academy Research Fellow
Migration and refugee history, multiculturalism, transnationalism
History, Culture and Communication Studies
Faculty of Humanities

Johanna Leinonen completed her PhD degree in History at the University of Minnesota in 2011, with a specialization in Migration History. She is Associate Professor (dosentti) in Research on Multiculturalism at the University of Turku (2016).
Currently, Leinonen works as Academy Research Fellow in the Research Unit for History, Culture and Communications. In her project Refugee Journeys: Narratives of Forced Mobilities (Academy of Finland, 2018-2023), she examines memories of refugee journeys in different historical contexts. She is also the PI of the Academy of Finland funded project Postmemory of Family Separation: An Intergenerational Perspective (2019-2023) and the Nordic collaborative project Histories of Refugeedom in the Nordic Countries (NOS-HS 2020-2022). In addition, she is the Deputy PI and the Oulu Work Package Leader in the research consortium Mobile Futures: Diversity, Trust, and Two-Way Integration (Strategic Research Council within the Academy of Finland, 2021-2027).
Leinonen has edited several books and published in journals such as the International Migration Review, Journal of American Ethnic History, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, and Social Science History.
Research interests
- Migration and mobility
- Forced migration, refugees
- Gender and migration
- Transnationalism
- Transnational families
- Critical race studies
Researcher information
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