Santeri Schroderus

M.Sc. in Structural Engineering
Doctoral researcher

Civil Engineering
Faculty of Technology


As a Doctoral Researcher in the Unit of Civil Engineering, my main focus is on Building Physics. I am currently working on research related to the effect of climate change on the hygrothermal performance of structures (CLIHE: Academy of Finland project). My main goal is to validate the numerical model with measurement data and then investigate structures' hygrothermal performance and mold growth under future climate conditions. With a passion for understanding the underlying principles of how buildings function, I am dedicated to developing innovative solutions that improve building performance, energy efficiency, and indoor human well-being.

In addition to my research, I have gained valuable experience as a conference presenter, sharing my insights and findings with industry professionals. I have also worked at seven different companies e.g. engineering office where I have honed my skills in modeling, calculating, and drawing structures and buildings. In addition to my academic work, I have gained valuable experience in construction sites. My hands-on experience in the field has helped me to better understand the practical challenges of implementing building physics principles in real-world settings.

My educational background includes an MSc in Structural Engineering with an excellent (oivallinen) grade, and my MSc thesis work in building physics was awarded a perfect 5/5 score by RIL. I have a very broad background in structural mechanics and designing load-bearing structures from steel and concrete. I am also an IPMA Certified Project Management Professional, with extensive experience managing complex projects.

Research interests

  • Building Physics, Heat and Moisture Transport, Retrofits, Moisture Damage, Mold, Climate Change, Future Buildings, Innovative Design Solutions

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