Good Indoor Air and Building Health

One person measuring ventilation airflow with two other persons assisting

Research group information

Contact information

Research group leader

Research group description

Good Indoor Air and Building Health is one of the research groups of Civil Engineering Research Unit. The group focuses on research and education towards healthy, productive and sustainable buildings.

The main research areas are:

  • Indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
  • Building physics
  • Occupants’ health and wellbeing

The main application areas include:

  • School buildings, IEQ, students’ health and learning outcomes
  • Assessment of dampness and mold risk in buildings
  • Effects of energy efficiency of buildings on IEQ
  • Continuous monitoring of IEQ
  • Developing new methods to assess and model IEQ in relation to occupants’ health and wellbeing

In education we provide:

  • M.Sc. study option, Healthy Buildings (120 ECTS)
  • Minor studies, Good Indoor Air and Building Health (35 ECTS)
  • Continuous education towards Healthy Buildings Expert certification (50 ECTS)