Tamara Avellan

Dr. rer. nat.
Sustainable water management

Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Creating sustainable impact in development and research

I am passionate about making the change happen towards sustainable lifestyles by managing scientific and development aid projects that bridge the gap between global politics and local realities.

I have worked intensively on water resources management in relation to ecological stresses and human induced environmental changes. I have addressed questions such as: What are sustainable sewage treatment systems? What effect does an intensification of dairy milk production have on small waterways in terms of water quality but also for the ecosystem as a whole? How can we feed the increasing global population? Which land areas are most likely to be converted in the coming years to decades? How can knowledge on climate and climate change help in making medium to long term decisions?

All questions boil down to the capacity of humans to make sustainable decisions in all three sense of the word sustainable - economic, ecological and social. We are the key to this question. Will we be able to admit that our behavior needs change? Can we develop ways in which participation leads to measurebale impact?

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Image of a woman with glasses and short hair

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90014 Oulu, Finland