Core of our brand

There are approximately 17 000 universities in the world, depending on how you count them. We compete with them for students and top academic talents, among other things. The further from Oulu we go, the more important a well-thought-out strategic plan, and an attractive and distinctive brand become. An image that is attractive both nationally and internationally helps in the competition for students, employees, partners, and financing.

In addition to our scientific profile, we are unique in our location, culture and compact multidisciplined campuses. We are one of the world’s northernmost universities, and we stand at the edge of humanity’s new frontier, the Arctic region. The north also gives many of our research areas a unique environment. The demanding northern circumstances have always pushed people to be inventive. Here curiosity, tenacity and cooperation will be rewarded. The rugged environment has made us focus our efforts on the essential. A culture of immediacy has been born, where capability becomes clear, results matter, and nothing is impossible. Many world-changing inventions come from here.

We are at the top of the world in the focus areas of our research, and we participate in solving great global challenges. The University of Oulu does science with Arctic attitude.