Research for Green Transition: The role of hydrogen and industrial side streams in circular economy

Event information
Mon 27.11.2023 09:30 - 15:30
Venue location
Tellus Backstage / online
InStreams Hub and H2FUTURE of the University of Oulu are jointly organising a seminar presenting the latest research. You’ll get to hear about the role of hydrogen research in circular economy of the industrial side streams and its impact on society. You can participate onsite at Tellus Backstage (Linnanmaa campus at the University of Oulu) or online via Zoom. Register now by clicking here! Registration closes on the 23rd of November 2023. The language of the event is English.
9:30–9:35 Opening words
Circular innovations from side streams
9:35–10:05 Carbon storage in construction materials
Associate Professor Päivö Kinnunen
10:05–10:35 New possibilities of geopolymers and alkali-activated materials in water treatment
Assistant Professor Tero Luukkonen
10:35–11:05 Circular innovations require collaboration
Professor Asta Salmi
11:05-11:25 Coffee break
Hydrogen production and application in steel industry
11:25–11:55 Turquoise Hydrogen Production from lab to commercialization: challenges & opportunities
Senior Researcher & Docent Prem Seelam
Photocatalytic production of H2
Professor Wei Cao
11:55–12:25 Hydrogen-based steelmaking routes
Associate Professor Ville-Valtteri Visuri
12.25–12:55 Hydrogen embrittlement of steels
Professor Jukka Kömi
12:55–13:55 Lunch
Hydrogen as a part of the circular economy and society
13:55–14:25 What we need to learn about the crossing interests of bio, circular and hydrogen economies
Minna Näsman, BotH2nia
14:25–14:55 Hydrogen as part of the power system and gaining the social license to operate
Professor Eva Pongracz
14:55–15:25 Stakeholder classification in emerging value chain
Professor Harri Haapasalo
15:25–15:30 Closing words
InStreams Hub is a cross-disciplinary research community focusing on inorganic materials research and engineering and the management and utilisation of inorganic side streams. Community is supported by the University of Oulu and the Academy of Finland PROFI5 funding (2019-2023).
H2FUTURE is a research programme at the University of Oulu supported by the Academy of Finland PROFI7 funding (2023-2028). The programme aims for renewed thinking and challenging, yet electricity-wise realistic and future-oriented solutions for clean hydrogen production and utilization.