Certificate for educational development to Marika Iivari and Timo Koivumäki
Oulu Business School recognized its staff members for their contributions to the development of education.
Oulu Business School recognized its staff members for their contributions to the development of education. Docent Marika Iivari and associate professor Timo Koivumäki from Martti Ahtisaari Institute received certificate of Innovative Teaching Iniative in recognition of outstanding contribution to the development and establishment of the Business Analytics master’s degree program. The visionary efforts in shaping the program have played a pivotal role, culminating in the graduation of the first students in the fall of 2023.
We, the colleagues at Martti Ahtisaari Institute , warmly congratulate Marika and Timo!
Photograph: Marja Alatalo
Last updated: 22.8.2024