Demand-driven co-creation for health care

The inDemand project investigates a new demand-driven co-creation model to test innovations within health care organizations in collaboration with companies.
The objective is to align different actors of local ecosystem to create and pilot solutions addressing challenges identified by health care organizations. The co-creation model has been tested in nine pilots proposed by health care organizations in Murcia (Spain), Paris (France) and Oulu (Finland). The first co-creation model implementation took place in 2018 and the solution involved the use of digital technologies. Potential solutions are, for example:
- A tool for promoting communication relating to breastfeeding guidance between a hospital and a mother
- An electric notes and communication platform to guide children and young people with diabetes and their families through initial care practices
- Empowerment of patients with epilepsy and their convenient communication with doctors to better manage the disease
- An intervention that addresses the key aspect in children obesity: education, motivation and adherence
- A digital solution to monitor kidney transplanted patients.
In the context of open innovations, a health care organization becomes the Challenger that identifies unmet needs (challenges) proposed by its professionals on patient-related or organizational issues. The Funder is a local entity that manages public funds to promote innovation and launches a competitive call to solve each challenge. The Solver is a private company that proposes the best solution to the challenge, co-created together with the Challenger in a pilot. The Supporter is an intermediate organization that provides business support to the Solver to promote the future commercialization of the solution.
The InDemand project has now the second iteration beginning and a new call for companies to participate is open. The objective of is to validate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the co-creation model. The overall goal for validation is to ensure the impact of the model.
At Martti Ahtisaari Institute, connected health professor Minna Pikkarainen of the University of Oulu and VTT and researcher Elina Hyrkäs participate in the project. The representative of the Council of Oulu Region is research and development manager Mikko Väisänen.
InDemand is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme.
More information:
Minna Pikkarainen, Minna.Pikkarainen[at], Minna.Pikkarainen[at]
Elina Hyrkäs, Elina.Hyrkas[at]