MAI doctoral researchers receive grants
The Foundation for Economic Education promotes research in business and economics by awarding grants and scholarships. In November 2020 it made a decision on 291 grants, totaling to 4 437 700 euros.

The Foundation for Economic Education promotes research in business and economics by awarding grants and scholarships. In November 2020 it made a decision on 291 grants, totaling to 4 437 700 euros. Grants were provided to several doctoral researchers of Martti Ahtisaari Institute:
- MSc (Econ) Raushan Aman, for the study of ”Migrant women entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem”. She received also a separate grant for a conference trip.
- MSc (Econ) Mahmoud Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed, for the study of ”Ecosystemic Big Data Platform Business Models for Connected Health”.
- MSc (Econ) Sara Moqaddamerad, for the study ”Business Model Innovation on the Verge of Emerging Disruptive Technologies”.
Veikko Seppänen
Last updated: 11.11.2024