Over 21,000 applications for the University of Oulu's international degree programmes

The number of applicants to the international programmes has been on the rise in recent years, and this trend continued this year as well. The number of applicants increased by about 70 percent compared to the previous year. Applications were received from 125 different countries.
The most popular programme were Master's in Business Analytics, with 2835 applicants. Also, the Master's in Computer Science and Engineering and the Bachelor's programme Bachelor's in Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics were popular among applicants.
The renewed two-year Master's programme, Sustainable Marketing, at the Oulu Business School attracted over 500 applicants. The programme emphasizes the perspective of sustainable development within the core themes of marketing.
"We are delighted by the continued growth of interest in the University of Oulu’s international degree programmes, especially as the number of applicants has increased in all fields. Our main goal is to get talented and committed students to each programme and I wish our applicants all the best for the coming selection process”, says Marja Jokinen, the Communications Director of the University of Oulu.
All applicants must demonstrate their English language skills. The results of the student selections for international programmes are primarily announced in March, with the remaining results in May. The studies begin in the autumn of 2024.
Applications for Finnish-language bachelor's and master's programs can be submitted during the second joint application period from March 13 to March 27, 2024.
Information about degree programmes and applying to the University of Oulu