European Plate Observing System (FIN-EPOS)

Project information
Project duration
Project coordinator
University of Helsinki Institute of Seismology
Unit and faculty
Project description
The goal of the FIN-EPOS portal and website, which enables the community – scientists, students, authorities and regular citizens – to search and access multidisciplinary research material and data. Most of the available material will be open and free to access.The first stage in the FIN-EPOS project is to help in making the available research material and data EPOS compatible and develop a Finnish website where the users can log in and have their data usage rights defined.FIN-EPOS project is coordinated by the Institute of Seismology.
Partners: University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Geological Survey of Finland, National Land Survey of Finland, University of Oulu, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, CSC – IT Center for Science.