University contact information

On this page you can find contact details of University services and staff.

Visiting, mailing and invoicing addresses

Visiting address:
University of Oulu
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
90570 Oulu

Mailing address:
University of Oulu
P.O. BOX 8000
FI-90014 University of Oulu

Tel. +358 294 480 000

E-Invoices assigned to the University of Oulu should be sent to the following address:

EDI ID: 003702458955
e-invoice operator: CGI
Operator ID: 003703575029
VAT-number: FI02458955

Paper Invoices assigned to the University of Oulu should be sent to the following mail address:

University of Oulu
PO BOX 771
FI-00074 CGI

University staff contact details

The email addresses of the staff are of form

For staff phone numbers see phone book.

Contact information of faculties and university services

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