Business cards

Regular cards follow the playful style in their looks. No special solutions are needed in the business cards. The logo of the university is printed as negative, and there are five different colors to choose from.

Elegant cards follow the same principles as the playful ones. However, silver foiling should be used as a special effect. The logo made through foiling is the centrepiece of the backside. Background color can be white, grey or blue from the university’s color range.

Document templates

We have created document templates to help university staff to create documents that are according to our brand.

  • Science poster template
  • Powerpoint template
  • Word template
  • Report template

Accessibility requirements are also taken into account in the document templates.

Brand on campuses

Lyhyt teksti tähän

Tellus Stage
Tables and Chairs


UniOulu Shop

The UniOulu Shop is an online shop for branded products and corporate gifts, where you can find items carrying the University of Oulu logo. The eco-friendly products have been chosen to reflect the university's arctic attitude, and are ethically and sustainably produced.