UNIC Spring School 2021: Entrepreneurship and transformation

UNIC, the European University of Post-Industrial Cities’ network, has addressed entrepreneurship and transformation in its 2021 Spring School that lasted from March to May. The school was hosted by the Ruhr University Bochum and involved also the University of Oulu and the University of Zagreb.
The theme of the school was approached through several perspectives, including technology, economics, business administration and law. All the 165 online seats reserved for students were taken, and even many more would have wished to participate. This indicates high interest both in entrepreneurship and in joint European university education – which is promising for the future.
The University of Oulu contributed remarkably to the Spring school by offering not only matters to study, but also and in particular hands-on experiences. Both the Exercising Entrepreneurship course and the Generations Lab problem solving arena provided for the school belong to the University of Oulu’s well-recognized minor study package on entrepreneurship. However, the latter was in fact given for the first time, as an implementation of a course on building business through creativity and collaboration. Both of the mentioned were very much welcomed.
“The courage to test new methods can also be seen in Generations’ Lab’s final solutions: technology and economics have been paired with creative thinking in virtual demos and even artistic productions”, points out Nina Jackson, regarding Generation’s Lab. Elina Hyrkäs, who was responsible for the Exercising Entrepreneurship course, refers to the feedback of one of her students: “I would take this and other modules from the University of Oulu again and again, it has been extremely beneficial for me personally and I have only positive things to say.”
There is an excellent opportunity to take a look on the solutions produced in Generation’s Lab, because they will be presented publicly in a live broadcast on the University of Oulu’s Youtube page, on the 12th of May at 6 p.m.