Biodiverse Anthropocenes is hiring three postdoctoral researchers

We are now looking for three highly motivated Postdoctoral researchers with experience and/or a demonstrated interest in environmental change and socio-environmental relations.The researchers will join a new transdisciplinary programme, Biodiverse Anthropocenes, which focuses on human-environment relations and biodiversity dynamics, with a particular orientation towards the Arctic.

We invite applications from candidates across fields and disciplines who have strong research skills in biodiversity research or environment and society relations, and who are interested in pursuing work across and beyond disciplinary boundaries. We are looking for scholars conversant in issues and frameworks linked to global and regional environmental change, its social impacts and interpretations and biodiversity loss. Scholars with background in Geography, Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Education are prioritised and particularly encouraged to apply.

Three Postdoctoral Researchers, Biodiverse Anthropocenes transdisciplinary research programme

We are building the future with science! The University of Oulu is one of the biggest universities in Finland with various fields of science. We participate solving global challenges by combining multidisciplinary approaches, high-level research and successful collaboration. Many of our research units represent international top-level research in their fields. Together with Oulu university of applied sciences we form the academic centre of Oulu.

We are now looking for three highly motivated Postdoctoral researchers with experience and/or a demonstrated interest in environmental change and socio-environmental relations.The researchers will join a new transdisciplinary programme, Biodiverse Anthropocenes, which focuses on human-environment relations and biodiversity dynamics, with a particular orientation towards the Arctic.

We invite applications from candidates across fields and disciplines who have strong research skills in biodiversity research or environment and society relations, and who are interested in pursuing work across and beyond disciplinary boundaries. We are looking for scholars conversant in issues and frameworks linked to global and regional environmental change, its social impacts and interpretations and biodiversity loss. Scholars with background in Geography, Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Education are prioritised and particularly encouraged to apply.


Located on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia in Northern Finland with over 13,000 students and over 3,000 employees, The University of Oulu is one of the Nordic countries’ largest universities and is a global leader in studies of Northern environments and peoples. The University has recently launched a new multi-faculty strategic research programme, “Biodiverse Anthropocenes”. This programme aims to advance research and discussion concerning the multiple cultural, societal and environmental contributors to biodiversity loss, including interaction between human agents and nature, and to strengthen the collaborative role of sciences and the humanities in current political and scholarly debates about the environment.

The programme’s point of departure is that in order to serve some of today’s pressing environmental challenges, researchers across the natural, social and human sciences need to collaborate and engage in impactful and creative scholarship, and to include non-scientific community members as part of their transdisciplinary research endeavours. By bringing together international scholars from across disciplines, and encouraging effective public communication of science, Biodiverse Anthropocenes will promote transdisciplinary and community-minded studies of the environment and ensure the University’s remains as an international leader in addressing the challenges of ecological change and biodiversity.

Open position

Primary duties attached to these positions:

  • Carry out both self-initiated and collaborative research and writing activities that lead to high-quality academic publications
  • Collaborate with programme leaders to further the aims of Biodiverse Anthropocenes, such as organizing thematic conferences or workshops
  • Engage in writing and submitting applications for research funding
  • Participate in outreach initiatives that engage both academic and non-academic publics
  • Take part in teaching activities, subject to faculty needs and the successful candidate’s own teaching/research capabilities and interests

What we expect

  • A Doctoral degree in a relevant field that has been awarded not more than ten years ago. Particularly welcome are scholars with background in Geography, Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Education
  • A transdisciplinary research orientation, with work anchored in approaches from across the social, natural sciences and/or humanities that investigate aspects of environmental change and biodiversity crisis
  • Capacity to collaborate in research and research dissemination activities
  • Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills, especially in English (the working language of the Biodiverse Anthropocenes programme is English)

What we offer

The University of Oulu and the Biodiverse Anthropocenes Research Programme offer a supportive academic environment in a community of committed scholars and the possibility to make use of funding opportunities to generate new research ideas and to help build an innovative and internationally focused programme. The University of Oulu offers flexible working hours, an excellent work-life balance and provides a range of occupational healthcare services. Our competitive salaries include paid leave and an additional holiday bonus in the summer.


The salary will be competitive and based on the standard salaries for teaching and research staff at Finnish universities, set at demand levels 5-6 for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a personal salary component based on work performance will be paid (maximum of 50% of the job-specific component). In practice, this means the gross salary is likely to be between EUR 3500-4000 per month (before taxes).

How to apply

Applications, together with relevant enclosures, should be submitted using the electronic application form by 20th September 2022 (23:59 Finnish local time). The application should be written in English and include the following:

1) A letter of motivation (max. 2 pages) summarizing your professional experience and expertise and describing why you are interested in this position and detailing your personal research interests, experience and career plans

2) Brief research plan (max. 3 pages, excluding references) outlining the research you plan to carry out during the three years of the position. Here you can also suggest a senior scholar who is part of the programme who you would like to work with. A list of potential collaborators is provided on our website

3) Curriculum vitae (max. 4 pages) in line with the guidelines of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity

4) List of publications in line with the guidelines of the Academy of Finland: [a full list with ten most important publications highlighted]

5) Certificates/Diplomas: Scanned copy of the original doctoral degree certificate

6) Contact details of 2-3 persons available to give a personal recommendation [NB: these people will not be contacted unless you reach the shortlist stage]

Only applications containing all relevant appendices and submitted through the online recruitment system by the deadline will be considered. The selection process follows the University of Oulu’s recruitment guidelines and is carried out by a nominated recruitment committee. Candidates will be evaluated based on their overall qualifications and experience, suitability to the work of Biodiverse Anthropocenes, potential as leading researchers and ability to collaborate and work with others. Link to apply:…;

The following criteria will be used for the assessment:

  • Scientific merit, including publications and CV in line with the applicant’s career stage and discipline, and potential to attract external funding
  • Feasibility of the research plan and its suitability to the work of Biodiverse Anthropocenes
  • The extent and nature of transdisciplinarity in the proposed research plan
  • National and international networks
  • Societal relevance

The candidates who are considered most suitable will be invited to an on-site or remote interview.

Further information

The positions are for a fixed term of three years. The position is due to begin in January 2023 or as negotiated. A probationary period of six months is applied in the positions.

Further details are available from the coordinators of Biodiverse Anthropocenes,

Dr Laura Siragusa ( and

Dr Emma Vatka (

Oulu is a Northern Nordic city known for its stunning natural surroundings, vibrant cultural life and friendly, easy-going atmosphere. Residents of Oulu enjoy Finland’s high standard of living combined with affordable housing and lower living costs compared to larger cities in the south. The Oulu region is home to over 200,000 people, making it the largest urban centre in northern Nordics and one of the fastest growing regions in Finland. Find out more about Oulu:

List of potential mentors: Maria Frick, Hannu Heikkinen, Heikki Helanterä, Vesa-Pekka Herva, Jan Hjort, Jouni Jaakkola, Sami Kivelä, Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen, Laura Kvist, Élise Lépy, Päivi Lujala, Jaakko Lumme, Karin Murris, Roger Norum, Anna Maria Pirttilä, Marko Mutanen, Pauliina Rautio, Anna Ruotsalainen, Esa Ruuskanen, Jarkko Saarinen, Simo Sarkki, Lumi Viljakainen, Jeffrey Welker, Tiina Äikäs.


Last updated: 15.8.2022