Economic Resilience (EconRe) research team

Our research focuses on analysing resilience at different levels in the economy. Our other research themes are regional economic development, labour mobility, regional policy development measures, and behavioural changes in the labour market. We are part of the GenZ profiling theme (Profi4) of the University of Oulu.
Photo of Economic Resilience research team members

Research group information

Contact information

Research group leader

Contact person

Research group description

How do individual, regional, and institutional factors affect intra- and inter-regional labour mobility, and who are the most mobile individuals in the labour market and why?

What opportunities does the technology offer to strengthen the ability to adapt to shocks that shake the economy, such as the COVID-19 pandemic?

Which features make people, communities, and societies stronger and more resilient?

Questions above help to shed light on what kind of issues we are focusing on. See more information about our research themes and selected publications below.

Research themes

Research team

Current activities

Conference participation

40th Summer Seminar of Finnish Economists 2024 in Jyväskylä, Finland, 6.-7.6.2024

Gender and Economics Workshop in Luxembourg, 23.–24.5.2024

Summer School: Resilience and Sustainable Development

The summer school will address the challenges and opportunities presented by global megatrends such as climate change and digitalization. Participants will examine and develop strategies for improving resilience and achieving sustainable development. The program will consist of online lectures and workshops in August, followed by a 5-day summer school in Oulu in September. Participants will engage with local challenges related to sustainable development and develop and propose concrete solutions.

The summer school is designed for Bachelor's and Master's students interested in exploring the intersection of resilience and sustainable development. It is organised jointly by the University of Oulu, Ruhr University Bochum, and the University of Lodz.

Arctic Frontiers Student Forum

The Arctic Frontiers Student Forum is a cutting-edge international and interdisciplinary program for university students interested in Arctic Issues. It is organized by Arctic Frontiers in collaboration with Oulu Business School, University of Oulu during the Arctic Frontiers conference week at the turn of January and February.

The purpose of the Student Forum program is to increase capacity and network amongst Arctic youth. Through the Student Forum, the participants get the opportunity to build skills, partake in cross-cultural exchange, and develop their own visions for the future of the region.

Research cooperation

We work closely with our domestic and international research partners. If you would like to know more about our research or are interested in working with us, do not hesitate to contact us!

Selected research partners

  • Professor Mikko Moilanen (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø)
  • Professor Lars Westin (University of Umeå)
  • Professor Anders Hersinger (Luleå University of Technology)
  • Professor Stein Østbye (The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø)
  • Professor Philip McCann (Sheffield University Management School)

Related content

We are part of the GenZ profiling theme (Profi4) of the University of Oulu. Learn more about the GenZ research themes and people through the link below.