Sustainable geographies

This thematic research area addresses several sustainable development goals (SDGs) and cuts across all subfields at the Geography Research Unit. We study how economic sectors, such as mining, forestry and tourism, and communities, countries and other actors engage with activities that have economic, environmental and social implications for sustainability at different scales. Further, we examine how these actors and sectors adapt to the changes caused by the activities. Key perspectives in this research include vulnerability, resilience and adaptation of people, communities and places to change. In particular, we focus on environmental change, mitigation, inequality, societal progress, social and environmental justice, increased quality of life, health issues and interdependence of people, places and environment across scales.

Research group information

Unit and faculty

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Research group leader

Research group description

Our current research integrates sustainability in different ways. The objective is to provide new knowledge that will contribute to the development and implementation of policies promoting sustainable development, resource use and economic activities, equitable distribution and use of human, natural and capital resources, and protection of both people and environment. Important for our research is to promote equitable development and well-being in the Global South and Global North and meaningful inclusion of those previously and currently marginalized and excluded in decision-making processes.

Ongoing projects

Accessibility to the food resources

Climate migration

Ecosystem services


  • Differential inclusions: Spatial politics of education, youth educational paths and citizenship formation Kettunen Marika

Energy production

Geodiversity and biodiversity

Management of natural resource

Permafrost hazards and infrastructure risks

Transformation of governance

  • SPARCTIC: Borders, planning and mobilities in the context of sustainability challenges and the warming Arctic, Lunden Aapo, Kellokumpu Ville

Related courses

  • 790329A: Kestävyys ja muuttuva ympäristö
  • 791632S: Sustainable development and global tourism
  • 790610S: Sustainable tourism development in Northern environments
  • 790161A: Tourism, development and sustainability
  • 790320A: Matkailusuunnittelu ja aluekehitys
  • 790350A: Aluekehityksen ja aluepolitiikan erityisteemat: Kestävä aluekehitys / 790350A Special themes in Regional Development and Policy: Sustainable regional development
  • 790346A: Luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelu maantieteen silmin
  • 790340A: Globaali kehitysproblematiikka