Research collaboration

Research collaboration with us is an investment to you future business success!

We offer you customized research services, joint research projects and a possibility to participate Industrial Doctorate program.

Collaboration models

We can help you with acute operative needs as well as long term research that attempts to solve challenges of businesses or society. We have alternative collaboration models to match different needs.

Intellectual property rights in collaboration

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) play an important role in enabling the creation of new business. Before starting the cooperation, it is agreed who owns the IPR rights and how the company will obtain the right to use or own them.

Contact us!

Our experts at your services:

Maria Juurikka, Company Specialist, maria.juurikka(at), +358294487646

Petri Leukkunen, Customer Manager, petri.leukkunen(at), +358294481162

Kaisa Still, Customer Manager, kaisa.still(at), +358294488030

See also