Energy-efficient biomimetic membranes for blue energy harvesting

Projektin tiedot
Projektin kesto
Suomen Akatemia - Akatemiahanke
Rahoituksen määrä
857 231 EUR
Projektin koordinaattori
Oulun yliopisto
Projektin vetäjä
- Postdoctoral ResearcherNora Jullok
Muut henkilöt
- ProfessorMika Ruusunen
- Project coordinator in the Faculty of TechnologySatu Pitkäaho
- Docent, Head of the research unitEsa Muurinen
Projektin kuvaus
The term "blue energy" is also synonym to salinity gradient power, which is a form of renewable energy that generates energy from the salinity gradient between two water sources. One of the most common sources of blue energy is in the coastal areas where freshwater and seawater co-exists. In this process, a semipermeable membrane is used to separate concentrated saline (sea) water and diluted freshwater. Water diffuses from the feed solution to the draw solution containing pressurized saline water. The mixing of both solutions results in blue energy generation, which can be expressed by Gibbs energy of mixing. Ideally, membranes with perfect hydrodynamics provide water passage and fully retain all other solutes or ions. This research aims to contribute to clean and cost-effective blue energy generation, aligning with Goal 7 of the sustainable development goals.