Kennedy Opoku Asare

Kennedy Opoku Asare received an MSc. (Tech) degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Oulu, Finland in 2018 and a BSc. Computer Science from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana in 2011. He is currently a pursuing a PhD Degree in Computer Science and Engineering with the Center for Ubiquitous Computing Research Group, under the supervision of Dr. Denzil Ferreira. His research is part of the Academy of Finland funded SENSATE project. He has previously worked as a Research Assistant at Center for Ubiquitous Computing under the Academy of Finland funded CARE project, and BusinessFinland funded Simple Smart Sensor (S3) project.
Before joining the University of Oulu, Asare worked as a full-stack software developer at RITSoft, Ghana and a Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant at UNICEF, Ghana.
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