LongITools Clean Air Debate, webinaari 29.9.2021
Alla lisätietoa tapahtumasta ja hankkeesta englanniksi.

Tapahtuman tiedot
Ke 29.09.2021 18:00 - 19:30
The Clean Air Debate: The Lifelong Impact of Air Pollution
The aim of this forum, the second in a series of events to connect science and policy, is to ensure effective, bi-directional dialogue and exchange of information between policy stakeholders and researchers. Organised by the LongITools project, the ultimate aim is to bridge the gaps between science, citizens and policy.
This forum will specifically focus on air pollution and its effects across the life-course. The presentations will cover the challenges of air pollution and the research being undertaken by LongITools. An informal discussion will then follow, looking at air pollution at a local level.
Aimed at local government health and environment policymakers, European and national policy research organisations, intermediaries such as patient participation groups, and citizens, the benefits of attending include an opportunity to network and engage with other policy and research stakeholders, and share knowledge and best practice.
Detailed programme and link to registration
See also: LongITools