Personalized Project Management Learning with Chatbots


The objective of the ChatLearn project is to develop educational chatbot solutions that renew digital higher education and make it more personalized, interactive and engaging to students with different competence levels and in different life situations. Our context is the multi-disciplinary field of project management taught for a wide array of students in universities.


Projektin tiedot

Projektin kesto



Muu kansainvälinen

Projektin rahoittaja

European Commission Erasmus+

Rahoituksen määrä

308 098 EUR

Projektin koordinaattori

University of Oulu

Yksikkö ja tiedekunta



Projektin kuvaus

In ChatLearn project the aim is to develop and enable a more personalized project management learning experience for our higher education students by developing an educational chatbot that utilizes engaging digital project management learning materials, which are also developed in this project. The chatbot is able to teach project management fundamentals to students from different disciplines. It can be integrated in project management courses or in more general management courses. We pilot it in our courses and conduct research on its user experiences. By providing concrete guidelines and templates also teachers from other fields can develop their own subject specific chatbots. Based on this research we aim to establish pedagogical guidelines for using educational chatbots in higher education online courses.

Projektin toimenpiteet

The project is performed in strategic partnership with the WU Vienna (Austria), Politecnico di Milano, (Italy) and Reykjavik University, (Iceland) under the coordination of University of Oulu (Finland). Project management is a central part of the curriculum in these universities where project management fundamentals are taught to over 5000 students yearly.

The project is organized in work packages and activities that aim to develop guidelines and templates for the development of educational chatbot, develop the context specific chatbot solution and implement it in a variety of project management courses, provide inputs how student clustering can be used to facilitate the personalization of chatbots, develop an open project management materials bank that the chatbot can use and create understanding of the current status on the use of educational chatbots in the higher education section, report our development and student user experiences as well as develop pedagogical guidelines and future trajectories for the use of educational chatbots in higher education.

In addition to the development work we will organize dissemination events, staff training events and continuous transnational co-operation meetings between the partners as well as continuously monitor and control the progress of the project. All these activities will enable the effective communication and spread of the results and development of strong educational networks, particularly within the field of project management.

Projektin tulokset

In line with the project aims the following results (R1-7) are expected during the project and on its completion: (R1): Technology mapping and current state analysis report; (R2): Conceptual model, educational design and template for creating an educational chatbot for higher education; (R3): Educational chatbot for learning project management fundamentals; (R4): Cluster analysis of student participants

through machine learning analysis; (R5): Open project management education resources material bank implemented; (R6): Implementation and pedagogic guidelines for the use of educational chatbots as part of digital higher education courses; (R7): Research paper on educational chatbots.