Virtuaalinen tilannehuone - Virtual Situation Room
Projektin tiedot
Projektin kesto
Business Finland
Projektin koordinaattori
University of Oulu
Yksikkö ja tiedekunta
Projektin kuvaus
The goal of the VSR project is to create foundations for the development of a novel virtual solution, Virtual Situation Room, that enables real-time data-driven management and collaboration in inter-organizational projects in a virtual environment. VSR improves the experience of previous collaborative co-locational spaces (i.e. physical Big Rooms, War Rooms, and Situation Rooms) by solving existing problems and enabling both real-time data-driven project decision-making and collaborative practices and procedures. The future VSR solution includes the concept, integrated technological solution, and practices, processes and implementation guidelines that enable:
1) project stakeholders’ real-time data and information sharing
2) utilization of the shared data and information in project planning, coordination, and control
3) project stakeholders’ efficient decision-making based on the data and information
4) an experience of virtual presence among the stakeholders and virtual collaborative working practices.